Monday 20 January 2014

Menace and Bun-head.

Menace and Bun-head

Menace went to visit her friend Bun-head on Sunday. She meant to stay until 10, like she promised, so there would be no lies, and there would be no secrets and it would be easier. Menace ended up staying until 630 in the morning. Sleep only, and on Bun-head's invitation.

They watched Zombieland, which was very funny, and something she'd never gotten around to watching.

But Bun-head had work to do and so Menace helped him by clearing out one room. They stumbled upon two boxes of memories, old things and such and they almost forgot about all that stuff. He gave her a book, a little pebble, and a sterling cross. They played electric Laser tag through the house, and while Bun-head took a quick shower, Menace finished cleaning up the little room for him.

They decided to go to the shop and pick up a drink. On the way back, Menace spotted a shooting star, and Bun-head said to make a wish. She did already.

Menace was hungry too, so a nice big dinner was made, with poutine sauce. It was delicious, and they broke their no drink policy for a handful of drinks. With their meal they had a movie, watching 12 Years a Slave, moving and deep movie, that brought little Menace to tears, not just for the profound sadness of the act, but because she want to snuggle in Bun-head's arms and have him tell her it would be okay.  But Bun-head saw those tears and hated to see her greet, and gave her great comfort by holding her close and worrying if it was more. She said it was only the movie, so not to worry him any further.

Then, after ages, they watched King Arthur. For ages Menace wanted Bun-head to watch. It had been one of her favourite movies when she was younger, but held against 12 Years a Slave, it seemed so campy. But Bun-head was patient and watched it to the end with her.

By now it was very late, and Bun-head, from working so hard, was tired. A bit of rest. So they lay under purple covers, in the dark, whispering and speaking.

You've renewed my faith in women. -Bun-head.

Would you pack up and meet me in another country if I asked you? - Bun-head
Yes, of course... that doesn't freak you out, does it? - Menace
No, its sweet. - Bun-head

I've never met anyone like you. Ever. - Bun-head

We have the weirdest friendship. - Menace and Bun-head

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