Sunday 17 February 2013

Mending, Hopefully

Jack is getting better, I think. His anxiety has dropped of significantly. He slips in five hour intervals. He went with S. to work today. She said he was doing pretty well but would not talk to the costomers and would not take orders from anyone but she.

Jack has always had this distrusting streak, ever since I've known him and its had bad and good days. But he's not been this bad since I've first met him. I know its partially the visions effecting him. But I also know its his previous trauma bothering him as well.

From what Jack has told me, he was raised by evangelicals, or something like them. I've met his parents, he does love them, but the love is strained by their religious devotion. He sister is slightly more believing than he, and she is most loved of them all. They thought from an early age that he was a prophet of the lords and presented him to many small enclosed communities willing to accept, but they soon ostracized the family when he predicted things they couldn't control, or would predict on command or would not tell of visions when he knew they were not to be altered.

The family moved about the states for a time before setting in a city in Canada, there they sought medical help from a private clinic. Jack's never gone into full explination as to what went on there, but I know it was bad. He has odd burn marks on key parts of his bodies, is nervous around needles and loathes wooden blocks.

I know from news reports that he escaped through the ducts and the parents to civil action against him, resulting in an enormous windfall of money. After that Jack started indulging secretly in music. He was adamantly discouraged from pursuing anything music related, his parents going so far as to burn cds and drum sticks on the front lawn. It didn't stop him though. He joined a band and became their drummer. His neurosis allowing him to relax when he drummed and focus on keeping the right time. Eventually he was moved to a horrifically small town, so that he couldn't participate in those things anymore. That's where I met him. He'd run into Cody and I and my brother at a Diner two years prior and they'd managed to find each other and become good friends. I joined their group and I've only seen Jack improve since.

This is the biggest regression yet. I worry it will keep him from getting his Masters or med school things, but he's a smart man, and once we help him through this, then he can go back. He's coming with me on my trip I think. Cody still doesn't know much. He's really busy right now. This could be a big problem.


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