Sunday, 7 September 2014

28 and the Sadness in Other's Hearts.

I wish I could help everyone.

I wish I could, but I know I cannot. My help isn't always as helpful as they feel they need or want. Some people want from me just sex. Some people want a friend. Some people want to be more than that.

The sex one is easy. Its not something to give away, and often its the most easily dealt with.

The friend seems easy. Its easy to be friends. But for me, I can be weary of how much I give a friend. Some people require a lot of effort, and though we love them as friends we know they drain us, and that its important to put some distance so the enjoyable parts of the friendship don't suffer for it.

Some people want to be friends, and I want to be their friend.

Its hard then, because often, my mannerisms are seen as flirtatious, or they just connect because I want to be their friend.

I remember when I was young and I don't really recall a time when rejecting a friend was something easy. When you do this, you're risking the loss of a friendship. Its something important and I'm so sad when it happens.

Some people want to be more than that. Its something I cannot offer, save for one.

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