Saturday 14 June 2014

Four Other Mes: The Third Me

Recap, the four characters I've created represent an aspect of my personality and I use each of them in different scenarios of my life to explore ideas, fears and help face things I'm unsure of. I've made the first when I was 14 years old and carried them in my life in one format or another since then, which include University and various personal crisis. I'm writing about them in the order they were created.

Thus we have the third. Oliver.

Oliver, Oliver Oliver.

Truly, the abuse of my characters is manifested in Oliver and his family, and yet Oliver is an interesting representation of myself. He is my kindness.

Born in the highlands of Scotland, Oliver lived a happy family life until he was twelve, when his family was killed and he was placed into the foster system. After one failed family after another, he was given the chance to move over seas at the age of fourteen to live in Canada. It was there he forged documents to live independently in the same town as Jack, and by proxy, Cody. Both became very much his family life. He has a deep love for dogs, owning three at one point, but now only one Pyrenees/German Shepard cross named bear. He went through school to be a social worker, but found the work unfulfilling and turned instead to firefighting.

Oliver is afflicted with a more fantastical "gift" then either Jack or Cody's who are both able to hide theirs. He is from an old line of werewolf. His transformations during a full moon are violent and painful, and once changed he has a blood lust for human, though once slated with another animal, such as goat, sheep or cow, will no longer hunt so vigorously, but merely prowl his territory for prey. When in his human form, his sense of smell, hearing and over all strength are increased, though weakest at the new moon. Due to the painfulness of his transformations, he has a high pain threshold, high metabolism, veracious appetite and quick healing properties.

In human form he stands 5' 11, initially a thin boy from malnutrition through the foster homes, is now a well developed, broad shouldered man. His hair is a dark, chestnut brown, though sometimes alters, depending on his transformations, to sandier colours, matching that of his light brown eyes. His hands are rough and calloused from work. His skin veers towards olive or tanned because of his outdoors interests. His hobbies include down hill biking, wilderness marathons and occasionally guitar.

Oliver represents, as I said above, my kindness and need for security. In every job I've ever been in he's "shared" the work. My defender if I'm scared or feel unsure of my place in work. If I travel, I have him there too, sitting in the seat beside me.

You'd think this would go to Cody, based on the relation to Jack and his "Martial skill' but Oliver holds this spot for the kindness and outgoing nature he still shares with Cody. Friendly, trusting and often a shoulder for everyone to lean on. The sturdiest and most reliable in most aspects of life.

His only down fall is the aggressive monster inside of him which forces a more closed off life to those not closest to him, however, few questions are asked of others as it generally only once a month.

Oliver is my Kindness and security.

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