Sunday 15 June 2014

Four Other Mes: The Fourth Me

The Fourth me....

Recap, the four characters I've created represent an aspect of my personality and I use each of them in different scenarios of my life to explore ideas, fears and help face things I'm unsure of. I've made the first when I was 14 years old and carried them in my life in one format or another since then, which include University and various personal crisis. I'm writing about them in the order they were created.

The fourth me...

How do I explain Brandon?

Brandon is unfortunate. The most unfortunate in plot, in responsibility and yet I find so much comfort in his character. Especially with the foolish wave of vampire hatred. Stupid Twilight.

At 6'2, Brandon is tall and lean, leaner than Jack, with dark brown, nearly black hair, and the same sand colour eyes as his brother, though they are often seen as darker. His face is more pointed than Oliver's with a thinner mouth, paler skin and shadows under his eyes. His hands are often seen as longer than average. He is two years older than Oliver.

Brandon is part vampire part werewolf. He does not transform into a beast, nor does his heart not beat. He does lust for blood, though less frequently then most vampires. His powers include teleportation (though not as strong as Cody's), telekentics, super strength (on par with Oliver as a human), super healing as well as a grasp of martial arts. Sunlight does not bother him and no food bothers him either. Of the four, he is the most deeply immersed in the ideas and fantasies of other worlds.

Brother to Oliver, Brandon was the other survivor of the family massacre, abducted by those who perpetrated it at the age of fourteen. Genetically, he carries the werewolf gene, but it's recessive, but none the less active. Prior to his abduction, he had a slightly stronger sense of smell, but that was as far as it went. He was abducted by an old line of vampires, who attempted to turn him, but it failed due to his recessive werewolf gene. Stuck between vampire, werewolf and human, he was kept on by the three vampires as a servant, forced to kill on command, once slaughtering an entire village. He was reunited with his younger brother at the age of 19, having finally been released from his bondage. Realizing he could make amends for his actions by caring for his new family, he took upon the duty of herding Oliver when he transformed, being the only one unaffected by his bites.

Brandon is the leader of the four, initially by age, but then as well by experience. He is currently running a security firm, often financing the schooling for the other three by this means. He was the first to drive, the first to own property and the first to have a child, Eli.

Brandon is quiet. Reserved, and much like Jack, he does not trust people completely.

He represents the more animal in me, the primal things I need. The aggression both physical and sexual. Growing comfortable with ideas of sex was something I used Brandon for. But it wasn't just that. It was ideas of new responsibility. He is the one who learned to deal with things, dark things, alone in the dark, and take a clear mind away from it, to make hard choices, for the good of those around him, to protect and guide to safety. He goes into trouble, with careful calculation and thought placed into his actions.

But it wasn't just that. He is the leader, and its that stillness I try to emulate. Brandon is the cold eye in the dark, the watcher, the loner, who, while loves his family can function alone, can meet me in a dark street and walk me the rest of the way home.

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