Friday 23 May 2014

Last Week I Went On A Date

I went on a date a week ago today.

I feel like I should discuss something positive here. Nothing flowery. Nothing full of longing and despair. I will discuss all the great things for the next two weeks following.

As always, it involves a touch of stealth. Can't be found out yet. Not yet but soon. We met and decided to go about a half hour outside of the main town. He was going to take me to this burger joint over looking the valleys and lochs.

We held hands the whole way, chatted and discussed how things were.

We arrived, but it turns out the burger joint was closed, not quite ready for the season yet. Luckily I made sandwiches, avocado, bacon and cheese and we enjoyed a sweet kiss afterwards. No. Not sweet, the greatest kiss. A kiss I hadn't experienced since last July.

Part way back we stopped off in a pub, shared a pint or two, another amazing kiss. We played pool, chatted to people with no fear. Not a fear of getting caught or found. I was free for a moment. The way he touched the nape of my neck, smooth, gentle touches. When we needed to go, he kissed the top of my head, and we pinky swore to it.

I wanted to give a good day. No tears. No sadness. A glimpse for him, of what it would be like.

It wasn't going to be easy and you knew this. You knew this from the start. You knew, that the end would be the hardest part, for you have to watch him struggle through this as much as you, but apart. You each have to fight your own battle. Yours in patience, true patience for something great. And for him… truth? Strength? Understanding? You cannon know until he tells you. You have to trust him and hope he trusts you.

Your the one I want.

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