Tuesday 15 April 2014

The Long Way Home

I recall the way you tried to smooth my brow. To calm my nerves and draw out the pain that was causing it. There is, at this time no way to do that.

We had a picnic on the floor in the evening. Chips, a few sweet things. A brush of my hair, as Game of Thrones and a movie of true friendship flicker across the screen. We lounge against one another.

Long talks about the Fire to come. The one we both must walk through, though not hand in hand. Through the gaps in the flame I might see your eyes and hear your voice but I will not touch your skin or hold you in my arms. The last of it perhaps?

You told me a great thing, and how you finally came to believe in me. When you finally came to believe in me. I didn't realize how long I was fighting for, the heavy long fight. Its not over. There is still a long walk before me.

I starred into your eyes, sweet and green, with an amber middle. I wanted the colour. I wanted to see the brightness. And when nightmares got the best of me, you pulled me close and said it would be okay, as you do every time you find us parted, and wake from it.

I can give you a few things right now. Time, security, and a ear that will listen. A friend that will comfort and a hope.

You told me things, of when to be ready. Of what would happen if things were to brighten and Dawn to rise. Time. I promised I would give you time. I promise time. For you say to me I have all the time,

Our whole lives. 

You asked me to be strong, just a little longer for you, and in return, you would be strong for me in my hard times.

I wont forget the words you said. I Promise to be good in this :)

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